There is two determined methods:
* Usual Case:
1) 1 session every week for the first 1month(Total: 4session)
2) Next:
3) 1 session every 2weeks for the 1month(Total: 2session)
4) Finally:
5) 1 session a month for the third 1month(Total: 1session)
5-1)This item can be repeated up to 2 times.
* Special(chronic) Case:
1) 2 session every week for the first 1month(Total: 8session)
2) Next:
3) 1 session every week for the 1month(Total: 4session)
4) Next:
5) 1 session every 2weeks for the 1month(Total: 2session)
6) Finally:
7) 1 session a month for the Fourth 1month.(Total: 1session)
Mesolike Protocols
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